Hi [fname],
LiveGood is a safe space, no matter what others say. We all work together and provide help if you need it. You won’t find lies, and LiveGood will share information on how much it really costs to create the most advanced products on the market.
Membership is only $9.95/month, and as a member, you can purchase the products without markup.
You can also open an account to purchase products for retail prices and still save a lot of money if you compare it with other competitors.
Our newest product is Collagen Peptides, with a member’s price under $30. There is no risk in trying the most advanced products on the market. You have a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Check out the videos included in the link . You can use the share code provided for Leads Leap if you are already a member.
I watched all the videos, and the last one fired me up to keep going.
I’m using the free funnel provided by Edward Keyte and all the tips on our training page!
To your health and online success,
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