Top shelf solo-ads for just 5 bucks
Hi [fname],

Did you know you can get a solo ad for just 5 bucks?

You can at 1StopSoloAds!

We call it 1SSA for short.

Here is what you can do at 1StopSoloAds

* Email all members daily.
* Mail to proven buyers.
* upgrades start at 5 bucks
* Save your emails - resend later.

* Advertise your banners and text links.
* Earn commissions up to 35%.

* Send solo ads from 1StopSoloAds and then
send your ad to 20 other top solo ad mailer
all from the members area of 1SSA

* Earn commissions from 21 trusted and tested sites
* Check your stats.
* No monthly fees.
* All your favorite solo ad mailers in one location.

See you inside,

Linda PaulkĀ 

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