, yikes, my emails were going spam...
Hi [fname],

I got an email yesterday from my sponsor at
one of my programs that has a huge mailer
that I use daily.  

She told me she had found my emails in her 
spam folder.  Yikes! 

This was not good news and I don't want it to
happen to you. I was using excessive capital
letters in my subject line.

With just a few tweaks, I went from a below
80 score to 99 which will keep my emails out
of spam folders.

The subject of this email scored 100. I aced it!

Here I will share with you a site that she
recommended to test your subject lines
before sending your emails so they don't
end up in spam, It's f.ree to join and test
your subject lines and

I will give you 25000 f.ree ad credits to 
use for advertising at the site (value $125.00).


To your success,

Linda Huggins

Click to Earn Credits