, Being Rich... Is It Necessary?
Hi [fname],

Some folks have no aspirations
of becoming wealthy. At all.

They'd take wealth if it
landed on their lap...

But they don't seek it out.

...Fair enough.

We all have different
definitions of what joy
and abundance mean to us.

But let me submit this...

Not having to worry about
finances truly frees us up to
enjoy all that life has to offer...

With a much-reduced stress
level to contend with.


So while it may not be
necessary to be classically
"rich," in terms of having
millions of dollars...

If we can earn enough to
cover our cost of living
with little to no effort...

I'd say we're winning. :)

Of course, if you want to
earn those millions, that
option is available, too.

Do yourself a favor…

No matter how you define
financial well-being...

This can help you to
achieve it very quickly. :)


See you there,

Linda Huggins

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