Submit Ads To 312 Safelists In SECONDS!!!
Submit Ads To 312 Safelists In SECONDS!!!

Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher in Houston, TX again. We’ve just added a smaller membership level for those on a tight budget, called our Monthly Bronze Upgrade.

If it took you 5 minutes per site to login, submit solos, banners, button ads, and text would take you 26 HOURS!!!

At MasterSafelistBlaster, you can submit your ads to 312 safelists in just seconds! You could submit a solo, banner, button ad, and text link to all 312 safelists in just 5 minutes!

You don’t even have to register an account to our 312 safelist partner sites!

MasterSafelistBlaster’s Total Combined Member Count: 556,470+

Check out the details below!

To your online success!

Dave Mosher – MasterSafelistBlaster

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