Can You Do These Three Things...
Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher in Houston, TX. If you haven’t taken the Tour for LiveGood yet, you’re missing out! Over 1,000+ people a DAY are signing up Worldwide!

I’ve got a short list of three (3) requirements, and I’ll give you some of my sign-ups.

But first, I would clear your browser’s cookies, as LiveGood is being promoted EVERYWHERE. So I don’t want you to miss out because there’s already a cookie on your browser. So be sure to clear your browser’s cookies first.

Next, click on the link below to take the Tour! If you like what you see, I’m going to put you in my rotator and give you some of my sign-ups.

All I ask is:

1: After you start earning a profit, that you reinvest 20% of your profits into advertising and marketing.

2: That you promote your affiliate link everywhere you can at least 3 to 5 days a week.

3: Stay in contact with me, and your referrals, so we can add them to our Team Promotions

After you upgrade, I will ask you for your referral link so I can get it added to my rotator. While you’re promoting your link, I will be promoting the rotator link to pass on new sign-ups to you and other members of my team.

I will be adding this link to a sponsored login ad on my 312+ Safelist sites, along with promoting it on just over 500 safelist sites.

When I see your contact info, I will send you a personal email to request your link.

Again, don’t forget to clear your cookies FIRST!

To your online success!

Dave Mosher – LiveGood Affiliate

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