This is a whole new ballgame-See why
This is a whole new ballgame-See why

Hi [fname]

When You promote online, are you throwing balls or strikes?

I am willing to bet that you think you are throwing
strikes but your pitches may not be going over the plate.

You are Losing Signups and Losing Sales.
You may not even know this is happening but...It is.

We can solve this problem for you in a very simple way.
It literally takes you 3 seconds.

You can throw a perfect game each time, every time
when you sign up and use this simple solution.

I have 798 of these and each one makes me-money.

Actually today makes 799. I just made a new one
in under 3 seconds.

Find out what it is and...

Step up to the plate and pitch a perfect game

Go get um

Jane Mark
JAM Marketing Inc

Special Offer...Hit it out of the park Save 100 bucks

For current Itsy-members...

Today when you buy a founder position at
Itsylinx, you can save 100 bucks.

Become a founder where you can use the Itsy Mailer
that goes to over 10,000 every 2 days.

Go to this link

Scroll to the bottom of the page where the memberships are
Go right to where it says Best Itsy Founders

Not only will you benefit from using Itsylinx to
make more sales but....

You get the mailer as well that goes to over 10,000.

You get full tracking on all your itsylinx.
You will love this site.

For those of you who are already members just pay
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